Friday, February 28, 2014

Links of Joy

Some links that brought me joy this week:

I Like Giving. The power in the smallest of gestures. 

Kindness Girl. The whole way to each other. 

Momastery.  The Sacred Scared series--such permission to show up and be beautiful.

Enjoying the Small Things.  As someone who's food never touched on her plate, while ETST speaks to "can't also", this post refreshed my belief in AND instead of OR.

Jennifer Louden. Total shift. Being grateful for all the things, even the ones I usually use to punish myself. They are my ticket home. 

Bryan Williams.  This is just awesome. 

Happy weekend!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

You are beautiful

I received this sticker in the mail recently on a note from a dear friend (thank you!). Turning over the envelope and finding this message stopped me in my tracks and was like a jolt to my heart. Something so simple, with such power. 

The best part--I have it stuck to my computer, and every time I see it, I feel the same way.  I am full of gratitude for such a wonderful reminder that cuts through a lot of static to get to the heart of the matter.

The other best part--this is a movement! A You are Beautiful movement. What could be better than one person feeling beautiful--the whole world!  To learn more and to get stickers, please see You are Beautiful.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Letting Joy Out

There is a pile of papers in the middle of my office floor. They feel like a physical representation of this blog, but really, more this process of letting my joy out into the world. Pages and pages of beautiful black paint and words that make me happy just to look at them. I really love having them right in the middle of the floor. I walk around them, over them, and they make me smile every time.

I have long admired the work of Kal Barteski, and with a recent class that I took, I have been literally able to let my joy out in the form of paint and words. It's relaxing, it's peaceful, it's happy. So, I'm going to let my joy out, in many ways, and right now, it's all over the floor.

Monday, February 24, 2014

This is something that I wrote a few months ago, yet upon remembering it this evening, the message felt just as fresh. Here's to going all in and being held by something bigger.

Love is not neutral

For a free copy of this work, please let me know in the comments. Thank you!